Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Weight Loss Secrets The best 20

!±8± Weight Loss Secrets The best 20

20 secrets of the subject more rapid weight loss. The secrets of a great body and a healthy lifestyle. With a large body of research is a bit 'faster with this top 20 secrets to losing weight.

1 adequate amounts of sleep.

Quality of sleep is necessary, more than 8 hours of sleep you feel better and give a feeling for the day in general.

2 Reduce your calorie intake.

If you cut calories, you force your body to fat stored in the body, especially inmedium range.

3 Do not eat too much during the night.

They are actually slowing down the function of his body during the night. This means that if you eat junk food full of carbs 3 hours before going to sleep, then let your body to store fat more, all night. Personally I only eat salad at night, with homemade dressing.

4 Do not eat two large fraction of the meal all day, but 6 small servings throughout the day.

Eating two large fractions of food a day is like hungerall day and make your metabolism slows down. If you eat 6 small portions throughout the day then your body is in excellent condition and will be full of energy.

5 Water water and more water.

Instead of drinking fruit juices that have sugar or artificial fruit juices. I prefer drinking water, first because there is no calories H2o. Secondly, it helps to reduce the level of sodium and regulates vitamins and minerals. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day (you can readThis article on water treatment).

6 Make it your lifestyle.

Wow! You lose weight and flat stomach. You have reached your goal, but after you go back to what I usually eat slowly and back to your old body. NOT so you need to worry about life, what you achieve.

7 Rich in dietary fiber.

Eating high fiber foods like vegetables, etc. can help you burn sugar from carbohydrates. It helps in digestion of fats. It also helps in bowelMovement to save on wasting your money on laxatives.

Fats are consumed just 8.

Fat mistake could be hazardous to your health, but can also often be the true sense of the word. Do not consume too much of this bad fats that are good for your health.

9 Decrease your intake of sodium.

Sodium not only causes discomfort, but can also make you more dehydrated and can lead to water retention. Promise to learn, less to eat this or not nice, you could save more daysTheir lives.

10 Excessive night.

They are tired from work, and want to see a movie for the treatment of fattening foods like ice cream, potato chips, etc., because there is no work tomorrow, usually in the nights of Friday. It just means more fat to store around the abdomen. Eating in moderation.

Prepare meals 11.

This is important. What do you buy food and fast food are actually food that you know are bad for you because you really do not know howSodium, sugar, etc., are what you eat. You get the point? If you cook your own food you know is healthy.

12 Skipping meals makes the difference.

Your metabolism is slowing down, they often skip meals. Slower metabolism means you burn more fat and calories lazily around the abdomen.

13 Cardio for faster burning of stored fat.

Walking or cycling may not only make it more healthy, could also help you burn fat faster. Travel 30 minutes a day is enough for ahealthier.

14 Moderation on Deep Fried - food.

While eating fried foods be sure to use healthy oils like olive oil, canola oil and palm oil that are good for your health.

15 No smoking.

Smoking not only contains carcinogens that cause cancer. It can also be nasty and make your metabolism slows down. I said you're tired?

16 Moderation in beer.

The beer is made from rice. It has a very high calorie, my friendI said that a bottle of beer is your body to burn for a week. I do not know if this is true, however.

17 Too much sugar is the most rapid weight gain.

Sugar, you might want more food and you eat more, even though I know you're already full. Sugar turns into fat the fastest.

Cheating 18 days.

A day to eat what you want is the best way to lose weight and cut the program to keep fat, especially around the abdomen. Onlynot to eat too much. Cheating day do you think of depriving themselves of a return to eating habits.

19 Building muscle.

Muscle burns calories faster than you are. If you train your abs and build muscle, then it is easier for you to show that 6-pack of you, then with a proper diet and violates the discipline!.

20 Be aware.

The knowledge of your target, a flatter stomach is the secret to it. To learn more about how you lose your abdominal muscles and low weight.Study prepared for each food you are going.

Weight Loss Secrets The best 20

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Thursday, September 1, 2011

The best foods for hiking, camping, hunting and other outdoor activities

!±8± The best foods for hiking, camping, hunting and other outdoor activities

Hikers, campers, canoeists, kayakers, bikers, hunters and other outdoors men and women who are long trips or trips, are two basic requirements of food: 1) be able to easily transport food and 2) The energy used to replace, hopefully with satisfying and delicious meals. Beef jerky or dried fruit and dried vegetables and dried to provide protein, carbohydrates and vitamins from active athletes who are traveling needs. Dry food is the density of light and heat, and thenresponds to two basic needs of people outdoors and athletics.

Use a food dehydrator to hear your dehydrated food at home. A dehydrator is designed to remove large amounts of water from the food. The water content of food is usually very high, typically between 80% to 95% for fruit and vegetables and 50% to 75% for the different types of meat. Remove moisture from the food spoils inhibits the growth of various bacteria and, at the same time reducing the weight ofdehydrated food. Thus, food dehydrators ideal tools for the conservation and storage of food and an ideal tool for the production of light, shelf, easy to transport food.

Great food, dehydrated, which is easily transportable and provides a great tasting, nutritious meals are:

- Dried fruit such as apples, apricots, bananas and berries. Dried fruit is great for replacing food provides energy and high nutrient density. Removing a result, the water also reduces the volume, so oncedried fruit of nutrients, calories and sugar per serving is concentrated.

- Skin of fruit from apples, apples, bananas, pears, plums and strawberries, o. Homemade fruit leather is naturally delicious and contains no added sugars or preservatives that make a lot of store bought varieties.

- Dried fruit and vegetable chips made from eggplant, zucchini or sweet potatoes.

- Dried meat or other types of shots. Shots is a good choice forexcellent protein and calories.

- Trail mix. Make homemade trail mix with dried fruit and nuts and avoid the unhealthy additives, no extra natural sugars and saturated fats, which can be purchased at the store mix track.

The best foods for hiking, camping, hunting and other outdoor activities

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