Thursday, September 1, 2011

The best foods for hiking, camping, hunting and other outdoor activities

!±8± The best foods for hiking, camping, hunting and other outdoor activities

Hikers, campers, canoeists, kayakers, bikers, hunters and other outdoors men and women who are long trips or trips, are two basic requirements of food: 1) be able to easily transport food and 2) The energy used to replace, hopefully with satisfying and delicious meals. Beef jerky or dried fruit and dried vegetables and dried to provide protein, carbohydrates and vitamins from active athletes who are traveling needs. Dry food is the density of light and heat, and thenresponds to two basic needs of people outdoors and athletics.

Use a food dehydrator to hear your dehydrated food at home. A dehydrator is designed to remove large amounts of water from the food. The water content of food is usually very high, typically between 80% to 95% for fruit and vegetables and 50% to 75% for the different types of meat. Remove moisture from the food spoils inhibits the growth of various bacteria and, at the same time reducing the weight ofdehydrated food. Thus, food dehydrators ideal tools for the conservation and storage of food and an ideal tool for the production of light, shelf, easy to transport food.

Great food, dehydrated, which is easily transportable and provides a great tasting, nutritious meals are:

- Dried fruit such as apples, apricots, bananas and berries. Dried fruit is great for replacing food provides energy and high nutrient density. Removing a result, the water also reduces the volume, so oncedried fruit of nutrients, calories and sugar per serving is concentrated.

- Skin of fruit from apples, apples, bananas, pears, plums and strawberries, o. Homemade fruit leather is naturally delicious and contains no added sugars or preservatives that make a lot of store bought varieties.

- Dried fruit and vegetable chips made from eggplant, zucchini or sweet potatoes.

- Dried meat or other types of shots. Shots is a good choice forexcellent protein and calories.

- Trail mix. Make homemade trail mix with dried fruit and nuts and avoid the unhealthy additives, no extra natural sugars and saturated fats, which can be purchased at the store mix track.

The best foods for hiking, camping, hunting and other outdoor activities

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